Delaware News

Governor Carney’s Statement on House GOP Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney issued the following statement Tuesday on the U.S. House Republicans’ plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“The Republican proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act would dramatically change how the federal government funds Medicaid, reduce access to quality healthcare for many vulnerable Delaware families and cost Delaware taxpayers millions each year. We will work closely with Delaware’s congressional delegation to oppose this change, and any other deep cuts to Delaware’s Medicaid program. No law is perfect, and the Affordable Care Act is no exception. But these changes take us in the wrong direction. Any changes to the Affordable Care Act and our nation’s healthcare system more broadly should drive down the cost of care and make our population healthier. This proposal simply shifts costs to those who can least afford it. It would also make our state’s budget challenges even worse.”


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Governor Carney’s Statement on House GOP Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney issued the following statement Tuesday on the U.S. House Republicans’ plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“The Republican proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act would dramatically change how the federal government funds Medicaid, reduce access to quality healthcare for many vulnerable Delaware families and cost Delaware taxpayers millions each year. We will work closely with Delaware’s congressional delegation to oppose this change, and any other deep cuts to Delaware’s Medicaid program. No law is perfect, and the Affordable Care Act is no exception. But these changes take us in the wrong direction. Any changes to the Affordable Care Act and our nation’s healthcare system more broadly should drive down the cost of care and make our population healthier. This proposal simply shifts costs to those who can least afford it. It would also make our state’s budget challenges even worse.”


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