Delaware News

Governor’s Weekly Message – Putting Young Delawareans Ahead: Improving Early Childhood Education

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 14, 2011

DOVER – In his weekly message, Governor Markell talks about efforts to improve early childhood education in Delaware, including expansion of the Delaware Stars for Early Success quality-rating program, which provides technical and financial assistance to enable early care and education providers to achieve higher standards.

“Education cannot start the moment a child shows up for his or her first day of kindergarten,” said the Governor.  “Kids who arrive years behind their peers that first day can take years to catch up—at substantial cost to their school districts and themselves. Research has demonstrated clearly that investing in early childhood education is one of the best investments a state can make in its own economic growth.  Children receiving quality early care and education are less likely to be disruptive and much more likely to be successful.”

Delaware is focused on getting more providers enrolled in the voluntary quality-rating system – so they can benefit by providing even better care and our state’s youngest minds can benefit from even stronger instruction.  The state isexpanding the reimbursement rate for providers caring for children eligible for Delaware’s Purchase of Care system – so providers can help keep top talent, and these children can keep learning.

“Our commitment to improving K-12 education is clear and constant – because it gives children a much better chance to graduate ready to succeed in the work world,” said the Governor.  “ Our commitment to early childhood education is becoming more clear as well – because children need every opportunity to show up, ready to learn, ready to succeed, and ready to make the most of the great public schools our state provides –  all critical components to keep our state, moving forward.”

About the Governor’s Weekly Message:
At noon every Friday, a new video message is posted to the Governor’s website and YouTube channel and is distributed to Delaware media outlets.   Transcripts of the messages are posted and the audio version of the Governor’s message is available on iTunes as a podcast for distribution to personal MP3 players and home computers.   The Governor’s weekly message is currently being carried on the air and posted on websites by various media outlets, and the direct link is:

Constituents, media outlets and others are free to link to the Governor’s video message on YouTube – – or on his Facebook page – – or on the Delaware State website at  All are also invited to follow him on Twitter – – and submit ideas through



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Governor’s Weekly Message – Putting Young Delawareans Ahead: Improving Early Childhood Education

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 14, 2011

DOVER – In his weekly message, Governor Markell talks about efforts to improve early childhood education in Delaware, including expansion of the Delaware Stars for Early Success quality-rating program, which provides technical and financial assistance to enable early care and education providers to achieve higher standards.

“Education cannot start the moment a child shows up for his or her first day of kindergarten,” said the Governor.  “Kids who arrive years behind their peers that first day can take years to catch up—at substantial cost to their school districts and themselves. Research has demonstrated clearly that investing in early childhood education is one of the best investments a state can make in its own economic growth.  Children receiving quality early care and education are less likely to be disruptive and much more likely to be successful.”

Delaware is focused on getting more providers enrolled in the voluntary quality-rating system – so they can benefit by providing even better care and our state’s youngest minds can benefit from even stronger instruction.  The state isexpanding the reimbursement rate for providers caring for children eligible for Delaware’s Purchase of Care system – so providers can help keep top talent, and these children can keep learning.

“Our commitment to improving K-12 education is clear and constant – because it gives children a much better chance to graduate ready to succeed in the work world,” said the Governor.  “ Our commitment to early childhood education is becoming more clear as well – because children need every opportunity to show up, ready to learn, ready to succeed, and ready to make the most of the great public schools our state provides –  all critical components to keep our state, moving forward.”

About the Governor’s Weekly Message:
At noon every Friday, a new video message is posted to the Governor’s website and YouTube channel and is distributed to Delaware media outlets.   Transcripts of the messages are posted and the audio version of the Governor’s message is available on iTunes as a podcast for distribution to personal MP3 players and home computers.   The Governor’s weekly message is currently being carried on the air and posted on websites by various media outlets, and the direct link is:

Constituents, media outlets and others are free to link to the Governor’s video message on YouTube – – or on his Facebook page – – or on the Delaware State website at  All are also invited to follow him on Twitter – – and submit ideas through



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