Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Delaware’s Time to Lead

This is Delaware’s time to lead. Creating more and better jobs. Improving our quality of life.

Providing the best schools and learning opportunities for our children. Getting the most out of each tax dollar. Strengthening the trust of our people in their government. These are challenges even in ordinary times. We don’t live in ordinary times.

This week, I delivered my State of the State address and in it, I talked about that change and challenges that accompany us each day. As tempting as it might seem to take this moment to pause and catch our breath, this is not the time to stand still.

We can take advantage of this moment and build a lasting competitive edge for our State and its people, we must do more than simply work with, rather than against, each other. Together, we must act with confidence and imagination.

We cannot settle for an economy that is dependent on a handful of major employers. We will nurture an environment where start-ups and small businesses can experiment and thrive.

We cannot settle for schools that are better-funded versions of the schools we remember from 20 years ago. We will help the schools that will prepare our children for the jobs 20 years from now.

We cannot settle for the sick care system we inherited from our parents. We will create a health care system that pays for performance and delivers quality care at a price that families and taxpayers can afford.

This is our time. To look ahead. To leap ahead. To lead.

I thank each of you, the people of Delaware and the state employees who serve them, for your support over these past three difficult years and all you have done by working together to keep Delaware moving forward.