Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Governors Working Together

Washington may be caught in the grips of partisan paralysis, but in state capitals across the country, Governors are having to figure out ways to keep people working together.  Not just because they – like the families they serve – have to figure out how to balance their budgets – but they’ve got to make sure kids growing up today have the tools they need to succeed and help strong teachers prepare kids to win against growing international competition.

They’ve got to keep themselves committed to getting people back to work who need jobs and improve opportunity for the majority of people who are working.

And recognize when it comes to results – which party or place an idea comes from matters so much less than where an idea can take you when implemented well.

The National Governors Association meets twice a year including next week for its summer meeting, bringing Governors together to see what’s working and to find new ways to work together in critical areas like jobs, schools, public safety and cost-cutting.

In part because other Governors like what they’ve seen happening here in Delaware, my fellow Governors will give me the opportunity to make sure Delaware gets to be heard from the head of the table, when I take over as National Governors Association Chair.

It’s not a position I take on lightly, but it’s already come with the chance to tell Delaware’s story to some of our nation’s largest employers – including companies that keep so many Delawareans working.

It gives us a platform to create new efforts to push our core priorities of better jobs and stronger schools forward.

And it gives us a chance to get past the partisan gridlock that defines our nation’s capital and work together on solutions that will help us work together to move our state, and our country, forward.