NASCAR Weekend Checkpoint Results

Dover – Officers arrested 6 individuals for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs over NASCAR weekend as part of the Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign.  The total DUI arrests since enforcement began for Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign this year in July is now at 179 and there have been over 3,700 DUI arrests statewide since January.

In addition to last weekend’s 6 DUI arrests, officers issued 1 citation for underage drinking, apprehended 2 wanted individuals, made 2 drug arrests, issued 1 cell phone citation, issued 5 seat belt citations, issued 1 child restraint citation, and issued 33 citations for various other traffic violations.

Two sobriety checkpoints are scheduled to occur the weekend of October 6th.  They are scheduled as follows:

Friday October 5th–   Newark (NcCo DUI Task Force)- checkpoint

Saturday October 6th-   Dover (multi-jurisdictional effort)- checkpoint

Those convicted of a first time DUI offense in Delaware can expect to lose their driver’s license for up to three months, attend an 8-week DUI treatment class and pay nearly 4-thousand dollars in court, treatment, DMV, and lawyer’s fees.

Checkpoint Strikeforce is a regional sobriety checkpoint campaign aimed at arresting DUI offenders, and using high visibility enforcement to deter those who would otherwise choose to drink and drive.  The campaign, a six month long effort running through New Year’s Eve, involves setting up weekly DUI checkpoints statewide.

For more information on Checkpoint Strikeforce visit and follow regular campaign updates on Twitter at and Facebook  You can also see the real consequences of a DUI in Delaware at