Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: A Message of Gratitude

We have a lot of things to be thankful for this year.

As Governor, I am grateful for the tremendous confidence you have placed in me and for the incredible honor of continuing to serve you and our great state.

Together, we recently weathered a significant storm. Even though we have some repairs to make, the damage serves as a reminder of Mother Nature’s uncertain paths and our own preparedness for unknown possibilities. For those who rendered help in-state or stepped out of state to lend a hand to our neighbors to the north, we say thank you.

Thank you to our state employees who take care of our roads and bridges… and services many of us take for granted every day.

For those serving us in the military, especially those who can’t be with their families to share a Thanksgiving meal, thank you for all you do to protect our freedom. We want you back safely.

To each of you who go to work every day to take care of the families you love, thank you for an honest day’s work – because it’s what makes our collective workforce in Delaware so strong.

If you are one of those who teach or help educate our young people, I thank you for your compassion and willingness to make a difference in young lives.

If you are a community or non-profit leader, volunteer, mentor, social service worker, or health care professional committed to helping people face mental, physical, spiritual challenges – we appreciate what you do on an ongoing basis to improve the quality of people’s lives.

To our Delaware businesses and retailers looking forward to the successful holiday shopping season, we want you to prosper.

We’re fighting hard to move this economy forward, to bring the prosperity of more jobs and opportunities for more people, to make some of the tough times easier. Delaware is such a great place to grow up, raise a family, launch and grow a career. Thank you for the roles you play in supporting and strengthening our workplaces, our communities and making our great state a place to truly call “home,” for everything you do to keep Delaware moving forward.