DUI Checkpoints Friday Sept. 20th

Dover –  A total of eighty-six (86) people were arrested statewide last week for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs. Of those 86 individuals, four (4) were arrested at a DUI checkpoint on Friday Sept. 13th in Wilmington that was conducted by the New Castle County DUI Task Force. Statewide, there have been 2,989 DUI arrests made in Delaware this year.

Two DUI checkpoints are scheduled for tomorrow:

Friday September 20 –  Newark – (NCCo DUI Task Force)- checkpoint

Dover – (DSP)- checkpoint

Checkpoint Strikeforce is a regional sobriety checkpoint campaign aimed at arresting DUI offenders, by using high visibility enforcement to deter those who would otherwise choose to drink and drive.  The campaign, a six month long effort running through New Year’s Eve, involves setting up weekly DUI checkpoints statewide.

For more information on Checkpoint Strikeforce visit www.ohs.delaware.gov, www.DUIRealTime.com and follow regular campaign updates on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DEHighwaySafe  and Facebook www.facebook.com/ArriveAliveDE.