Equal Pay Day in Delaware: Delaware Women Leaders Ask for Support

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015, a House Concurrent Resolution will be introduced in the General Assembly to affirm that equal pay for women matters to the people of Delaware. Sponsoring the Resolution in the House are House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst and Representative Stephanie T. Bolden; in the Senate, the sponsors are Senate Majority Whip Margaret Rose Henry and Senator Nicole Poore.

Prior to the introduction of the Resolution, representatives of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Delaware and the Delaware Commission for Women, along with the sponsoring state legislators, will convene at 1:15 pm in the Senate Hearing Room on the second floor of Legislative Hall to discuss the issues involved. The press and general public are welcome to attend.

This event in Dover is a prelude to national Equal Pay Day, which occurs this year on April 14 – a date symbolic of the point in the new year to which a woman must work in order to earn the wages paid to a man in the previous year. On that date, thousands of women across the United States will join forces to highlight pay inequity.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Delaware women who work fulltime earn on average just 83% of what men who work fulltime earn. These numbers are even starker when minority groups are directly compared. African-American women living in Delaware earn 67 cents per every dollar that white men earn. Hispanic women earn just 56 cents per dollar. With women carrying so much of the economic burden of supporting their families, the harm of such a wage gap can be clearly seen.

Those attending the activities in Dover, as well as those unable to be there, are asked to show their support for equal pay by learning more about the impact of the wage gap, by supporting efforts to eliminate that gap, and by wearing red on Tuesday, March 24, to symbolize how far women are “in the red” with their pay.