Delaware News

Governor Carney’s Statement on President Trump’s Decision to End Health Care Cost-Sharing Reductions

Delaware Health and Social Services | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 13, 2017

WILMINGTON, Del. Governor John Carney on Friday released the following statement after President Trump’s decision to end federal cost-sharing reductions that make health insurance and health care affordable for low-income Delawareans:

“President Trump’s decision to end cost-sharing reductions will hurt thousands of low-income Delawareans who use those subsidies to make their health insurance and health care affordable. Less than three weeks away from the start of open enrollment on Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace, the President’s action will lead to thousands of Delawareans deciding that health insurance is no longer affordable for them and their families. That will lead to more people being uninsured in our state, which eventually means increased premiums for all of us. Ultimately, these changes could lead to insurers deciding to leave the Delaware market. That’s bad for health care in Delaware, bad for the health of Delawareans and bad for the economy of our state. My administration will work with our Congressional Delegation to restore the cost-sharing reductions as soon as possible.”



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Governor Carney’s Statement on President Trump’s Decision to End Health Care Cost-Sharing Reductions

Delaware Health and Social Services | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 13, 2017

WILMINGTON, Del. Governor John Carney on Friday released the following statement after President Trump’s decision to end federal cost-sharing reductions that make health insurance and health care affordable for low-income Delawareans:

“President Trump’s decision to end cost-sharing reductions will hurt thousands of low-income Delawareans who use those subsidies to make their health insurance and health care affordable. Less than three weeks away from the start of open enrollment on Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace, the President’s action will lead to thousands of Delawareans deciding that health insurance is no longer affordable for them and their families. That will lead to more people being uninsured in our state, which eventually means increased premiums for all of us. Ultimately, these changes could lead to insurers deciding to leave the Delaware market. That’s bad for health care in Delaware, bad for the health of Delawareans and bad for the economy of our state. My administration will work with our Congressional Delegation to restore the cost-sharing reductions as soon as possible.”



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