Delaware Hunting Licenses and Conservation Access Passes Now Easier to Purchase Online

Hunters and trappers can now use a new, user-friendly online system to access license sales, License Exempt Numbers (LEN), harvest registration, hunting permit and hunter education. Made available from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the hunting and trapping license and Conservation Access Pass sales system is fully integrated with the hunter and trapper registration system and hunter education records.

Single-sourcing purchases of licenses, permits, and hunter and trapper education materials are the latest update to DNREC’s ePermitting system, which allows customers to establish a user profile to access a variety of licensing and permitting functions. Recreational fishing license sales were made available earlier this year on the ePermitting system.

The online system enhancements include a more modern look and feel using an improved customer interface and a familiar shopping cart approach, with full compatibility for a variety of desktop and mobile devices.

While the ePermitting system offers a new way to purchase, recreational hunting and trapping licenses and Conservation Access Passes can also be purchased and free License Exempt Numbers obtained at license agents statewide. These services also will be available in the future at the licensing office in DNREC’s Richardson and Robbins Building, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, where sales and transactions are currently suspended during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

For additional information and questions regarding Delaware hunting and trapping licenses, Conservation Access Passes, recreational fishing licenses, and other related services, call the Division of Fish and Wildlife recreational licensing program at 302-739-9918 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control protects and manages the state’s natural resources, protects public health, provides outdoor recreational opportunities and educates Delawareans about the environment. The Division of Fish and Wildlife conserves and manages Delaware’s fish and wildlife and their habitats, and provides fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing and boating access on nearly 65,000 acres of public land. For more information, visit the website and connect with DNREC on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Media Contacts: Michael Globetti,; Joanna Wilson,
