Delaware News

Governor Carney on the Passing of Congressman John Lewis

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Saturday, July 18, 2020

Delaware Governor John Carney shared the following statement on the passing of his former colleague in the U.S. House of Representatives and civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis:

“One of the real privileges I had as a member Congress was the opportunity to get to know Congressman John Lewis — and to join him on the Civil Rights Pilgrimage through Alabama in 2012. He was a civil rights icon and a living saint. He had a humble, kind and gentle spirit, but he spoke with a powerful moral voice rooted in faith. Congressman Lewis stood as a great example of courage and commitment for all of us. He had incredible optimism and belief in the ideals and the promise of America. Nobody will replace him. But we should all work to be more like him, to honor his legacy, and treat each other with more respect.”


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Governor Carney on the Passing of Congressman John Lewis

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Saturday, July 18, 2020

Delaware Governor John Carney shared the following statement on the passing of his former colleague in the U.S. House of Representatives and civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis:

“One of the real privileges I had as a member Congress was the opportunity to get to know Congressman John Lewis — and to join him on the Civil Rights Pilgrimage through Alabama in 2012. He was a civil rights icon and a living saint. He had a humble, kind and gentle spirit, but he spoke with a powerful moral voice rooted in faith. Congressman Lewis stood as a great example of courage and commitment for all of us. He had incredible optimism and belief in the ideals and the promise of America. Nobody will replace him. But we should all work to be more like him, to honor his legacy, and treat each other with more respect.”


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