Governor Carney Releases Statement on Senator Carper’s Retirement

WILMINGTON, Del.  Governor John Carney on Monday released the following statement after U.S. Senator Tom Carper announced he will retire from the U.S. Senate when his term ends in 2025:


“Senator Carper is an institution in our state – and a servant leader who has always put the interests of Delaware families first. He has been a tireless advocate for Delaware. And in a time of increasing divisiveness, Senator Carper continues to work across the aisle to find common ground and get things done.


I was fortunate to serve on then-Governor Carper’s staff, and in his cabinet. For me, the Senator has been a friend, a mentor, and a constant source of good advice. And I know I’m not alone in that respect. Throughout his time in Congress, as Governor, and his four terms in the U.S. Senate, he mentored countless public officials who came behind him.


Senator Carper is one-of-a kind. His leadership in Washington will be sorely missed – but I’m confident he’ll find ways to stay involved for the good of our state.”