HRSA Visits DHSS to Review Substance Use Disorder Prevention Work

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was in Delaware on August 31, 2023, to review the innovative substance use disorder prevention work that the Department of Health and Human Services is conducting in Sussex County, Delaware.

The Division of Forensic Science reported that 537 people died of a drug overdose in Delaware in 2022. This is a 4% increase from 2021. However, Sussex County had the highest percent increase of drug overdoses during this time at 23%. All communities particularly rural communities within Sussex County have unique barriers that make it even more challenging for those who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD). In Sussex County, there is a lack of both treatment facilities and providers for individuals with SUD, fewer prevention programs available, significant limitations for reliable and timely transportation to appointments and follow-ups, language barriers, and stigma around those with SUD.

In response to the increasing overdoses in Sussex County and gaps in services, the Division of Public Health (DPH) created Delaware’s Rural Health Subcommittee of the Overdose System of Care utilizing a HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Planning Grant. In 2021, the DPH was awarded a follow-up three-year $1,000,000 funding opportunity from HRSA to implement the plans created by the subcommittee to address the specific challenges that Sussex County has faced with substance use disorder prevention and treatment. Additionally, in 2022, HRSA awarded the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) the RCORP Behavioral Health Support Grant which is a four-year $2,000,000 funding opportunity to strengthen mental health and substance use disorder engagement in communities in Sussex County.

Since these awards have been issued, progress has been made towards reducing SUD stigma, removing transportation and language barriers, increasing substance use disorder services such as buprenorphine inductions and sustained treatment, and working with law enforcement on diversion programs for those arrested for drug use. The department’s relationships with the Delaware Libraries have promoted service availability and increased utilization of health services. HRSA’s visit demonstrates the success of these programs and the continued plans to invest in behavioral health services in rural communities.