Delaware State Fire Commission Updates Fire Regulations.



February 20, 2024


The Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission has multiple functions within the fire service including updating regulations on Delaware training requirements for firefighters.  This is a lengthy process as it entails committee meetings of several representatives within the Delaware Fire Service to discuss and recommend changes to existing regulations.  Once this is completed, the regulations are reviewed by the Department of Justice and then forwarded to the Delaware Office of Registrar of Regulations.  The recommended regulations are placed online for public review and comment for thirty days.


The Delaware State Fire Prevention Commissioners strive to lead the nation in training standards for the protection of our first responders, residents, and visitors of our great state.  As with any profession, everyone must be allowed to train, educate, and advance in their selected career field.  This allows these professionals to provide exceptional service to the members of the community in which they protect.  Whether from fire or emergency medical services, we strive to enhance fire safety standards for all within the fire community.


In early 2023, the commissioners began reviewing and making regulatory changes to Regulation 709.  During this process, the commission established minimum training standards for all Delaware Firefighters due to lacking such minimum standards.  Part of the minimum training standards included standards for fire line officers.  The commissioners were asked to extend the implementation of this section of the standards because a portion of the fire service lacked the recommended minimum standards. The commissioners agreed and postponed this regulation for eleven months.  This would allow for any fire line officers or firefighters to complete the necessary training requirements.


During the past 11 months, The Delaware State Fire School hosted several classes for those members to comply with the new regulations.  Over 144 firefighters attended and completed the required courses.  The Delaware State Fire Chiefs Association also assisted by hosting the required classes during 2023.


Today, the Delaware State Fire Commissioners voted and approved the following regulations under 709. Some of the new and or updated regulations include:


  • Training standards for the senior and subordinate fire officers including the fire chief.
  • All planning and execution of live training scenario fire burns shall be reviewed and supervised in conjunction with representatives of the Delaware State Fire School.
  • Requiring scene commanders to ensure the public safety answering point notifies the commission of any Mayday or firefighter injury.
  • Equipment shall meet the appropriate NFPA standards in Chapter 8 of this regulation.
  • Members performing duties at training or alarms at a crew management level shall have completed the Delaware State Fire School curriculum or an approved equivalent training of Fire Officer 1.
  • Members performing duties at training or alarms at a scene management level shall have completed the Delaware State Fire School curriculum or an approved equivalent training of Fire Officer 2.
  • Sufficient equivalency of training shall be determined by the commission through the Delaware State Fire School.
  • Personal Protection Gear shall meet the appropriate NFPA standards.


The commissioners would like to thank each committee member for all their hard work including the Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Association and the Delaware State Fire Chief’s Association for all their assistance in helping make all our first responders safer by providing the most advanced educational training within today’s market.