Education Related Funds Awarded to Former Foster Youth

Delaware Treasurer Colleen Davis has announced the distribution of this year’s Aspire529 awards. Aspire529 is a program for youth in or aging out of the foster care system to help them pay for expenses related to higher education.

This year’s recipients, two from New Castle County, two from Kent, and one from Sussex plan to use the money for expenses including transportation to school, supplies, housing, and childcare.

“I am proud to know our efforts will help ease the burden for these young men and women as they pursue their education,” said Treasurer Davis. “Financial insecurity is often cited as a reason these youth don’t continue with their schooling so we want to do everything possible to assist them.”

Created by the Office of the State Treasurer, and approved by the Delaware Plans Management Board, Aspire529 provides not just a $529 award, it provides students with the knowledge of how to handle money. Awards were made after applicants to the program completed personal financial coaching through a partnership with Stand By Me®.

“Our expectation is that the financial coaching that comes along with the award helps these individuals well beyond their college years,” Davis said. “Once they finish their schooling and get jobs, we expect them to be able to handle their money successfully far into the future.”

Learn more about the program at