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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "beer"

Visit Delaware Releases New Mobile Application for National American Beer Day

Newport, Del.– Discovering Delaware went digital to celebrate National American Beer Day as the Delaware Tourism Office (Visit Delaware) unveiled Delaware on Tap, the new smartphone application version of the state’s popular Beer, Wine & Spirits Trail. The office showcased the app, which is available for free download in the App Store and from Google […]

Battle of the Brews homebrewing competition accepting entries

Homebrewers from around the region can compete in Delaware’s premier home-brewed beer competition, the Fourth Annual Battle of the Brews at the Delaware State Fair. The July 19 event is a Beer Judge Certification Program-sanctioned event, where certified judges will rate and rank the work of home-brewing enthusiasts, sponsored by the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

 Pages Tagged With: "beer"

Visit Delaware Releases New Mobile Application for National American Beer Day

Newport, Del.– Discovering Delaware went digital to celebrate National American Beer Day as the Delaware Tourism Office (Visit Delaware) unveiled Delaware on Tap, the new smartphone application version of the state’s popular Beer, Wine & Spirits Trail. The office showcased the app, which is available for free download in the App Store and from Google […]

Battle of the Brews homebrewing competition accepting entries

Homebrewers from around the region can compete in Delaware’s premier home-brewed beer competition, the Fourth Annual Battle of the Brews at the Delaware State Fair. The July 19 event is a Beer Judge Certification Program-sanctioned event, where certified judges will rate and rank the work of home-brewing enthusiasts, sponsored by the Delaware Department of Agriculture.