Delaware emitirá beneficios de emergencia para Febrero para hogares elegibles de SNAP, TANF y de asistencia general

NEW CASTLE (22 de Febrero de 2021) – La División de Servicios Sociales de Delaware emitirá beneficios de emergencia para febrero a los hogares elegibles como parte de la respuesta continua del estado a la crisis de salud pública de COVID-19.

Los beneficios se emitirán como parte del Programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria (SNAP) y dos programas de asistencia en efectivo: Asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas (TANF) y Asistencia general (GA). El beneficio de alimentos de emergencia de SNAP se emitirá el miércoles 24 de febrero y debería estar disponible en las tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios (EBT) de los beneficiarios el próximo día 25 de Febrero Los hogares de TANF y GA deben recibir un cheque de beneficios en efectivo de emergencia a partir de Febrero 24.

Esta asistencia de emergencia aumentará el beneficio mensual de un hogar para cada programa hasta el monto máximo de beneficio para el tamaño de su hogar (consulte las tablas a continuación). Los hogares que ya reciben la cantidad máxima de beneficios o que tienen un beneficio prorrateado en el mes de febrero no son elegibles para los fondos de emergencia de febrero.

En virtud de la Ley de respuesta al coronavirus Families First de 2020, que se promulgó en marzo de 2020, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de Delaware (DHSS) ha emitido beneficios de emergencia cada mes a cualquier hogar que aún no reciba el beneficio mensual máximo.

“La emergencia de salud pública creada por la pandemia de coronavirus continúa desafiando a los habitantes vulnerables de Delaware que luchan por mantenerse a sí mismos y a sus familias”, dijo la secretaria del DHSS, Molly Magarik. “Esta asistencia financiera adicional ayuda a brindar cierta seguridad a los necesitados durante esta crisis”.

Los hogares han recibido o recibirán sus beneficios habituales de Febrero en las fechas de emisión habituales. Tenga en cuenta que los montos de asignación de beneficios SNAP regulares aumentaron en un 15 porciento a partir de enero y el aumento continuará mensualmente hasta junio como resultado de la Ley de Asignaciones Consolidadas de 2021. Este aumento temporal en los beneficios alimentarios es otra medida para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria durante el coronavirus pandemia. Todos los hogares de SNAP recibirán el aumento temporal para febrero en su emisión normal de beneficios de Febrero.

Estos son los montos máximos de beneficios mensuales por tamaño de hogar

Beneficios de SNAP de emergencia

Numero en Hogar SNAP Monto del Beneficio Máximo Ajustado con el aumento del 15 porciento efectivo Enero-Junio 2021
1 $234
2 $430
3 $616
4 $782
5 $929
6 $1,114
7 $1,232
8 $1,408
Cada persona Adicional $176


Se estima que 34,015 hogares serán elegibles para recibir la asignación de SNAP de emergencia en febrero, por un total de alrededor de $ 6.9 millones en beneficios de alimentos de emergencia para el mes.

Beneficios de dinero en efectivo de emergencia

Asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas (TANF)

Numero en Hogar TANF Monto del Beneficio Máximo
1 $201
2 $270
3 $338
4 $407
5 $475
6 $544
7 $612
8 $681
9 $750
10 $819


Asistencia general (GA)

Numero en Hogar de Asistencia General (GA)  Monto del Beneficio Máximo
1 $79
2 $107
3 $144
4 $169
5 $209
6 $239


Se estima que 160 hogares serán elegibles para recibir beneficios de asistencia en efectivo de emergencia en Febrero, por un total de alrededor de $ 20,750 en beneficios de emergencia para el mes.

Para obtener más información sobre los programas de beneficios de DSS en respuesta a la pandemia, visite Para solicitar beneficios, vaya a Delaware ASSIST o llame al 1-866-843-7212. Para limitar la propagación potencial de COVID-19, se solicita a los clientes que se comuniquen con la División de Servicios Sociales por teléfono o en línea.

February 23, 2021: COVID-19 Briefing

Governor John Carney will hold a virtual press briefing at 1:45 p.m. about Delaware’s response to COVID-19.


Flag Lowering in Memory of 500,000 Americans Lost to COVID-19

President Biden ordered flags at all U.S. government buildings and facilities to be flown at half-staff until sunset on February 26, 2021 in memory of the more than 500,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19.

In concurrence with the President’s order, Governor Carney has ordered both the U.S. and Delaware flags at state buildings and facilities be flown at half-staff until sunset on February 26, 2021, and issued the following statement:

“More than 500,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19. It’s a staggering number that includes 1,368 Delawareans. Each one was a precious life. Each had family and friends. It’s important to remember and honor those lives lost.”

Delaware to Issue Emergency Benefits for February to Eligible SNAP, TANF, and General Assistance Households

NEW CASTLE (Feb. 22, 2021) – The Delaware Division of Social Services will issue emergency benefits for February to eligible households as part of the state’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Benefits will be issued as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and two cash assistance programs – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and General Assistance (GA). The SNAP emergency food benefit will be issued Wednesday, Feb. 24, and should be available on recipients’ Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards the next day Feb. 25. TANF and GA households should receive an emergency cash benefit check on or after Feb. 24.

This emergency assistance will increase a household’s monthly benefit for each program up to the maximum benefit amount for their household size (see tables below). Households that already receive the maximum benefit amount or that have a prorated benefit in the month of February are not eligible for the February emergency funds.

Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020, which was signed into law in March 2020, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) has issued emergency benefits each month to any household not already receiving the maximum monthly benefit.

“The public-health emergency created by the coronavirus pandemic continues to challenge vulnerable Delawareans who struggle to support themselves and their families,” said DHSS Secretary Molly Magarik. “This added financial assistance helps to provide some measure of security for those in need during this crisis.”

Households have received or will receive their regular benefits for February on the usual issuance dates. Please note that regular SNAP benefit allotment amounts increased by 15 percent starting in January and the increase will continue monthly through June as a result of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. This temporary increase in food benefits is another measure to ensure food security during the coronavirus pandemic. All SNAP households will receive the temporary increase for February in their normal February benefit issuance.

Here are the maximum monthly benefit amounts per household size:

Emergency SNAP benefits

Number in SNAP Household Maximum Benefit Amount Adjusted with the 15 percent increase effective Jan.-June 2021
1 $234
2 $430
3 $616
4 $782
5 $929
6 $1,114
7 $1,232
8 $1,408
Each additional person $176


An estimated 34,015 households will be eligible to receive the emergency SNAP allotment in February, totaling about $6.9 million in emergency food benefits for the month.

Emergency cash benefits

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Number in TANF Household Maximum Benefit Amount
1 $201
2 $270
3 $338
4 $407
5 $475
6 $544
7 $612
8 $681
9 $750
10 $819


General Assistance (GA)

Number in GA Household Maximum Benefit Amount
1 $79
2 $107
3 $144
4 $169
5 $209
6 $239


An estimated 160 households will be eligible to receive emergency cash assistance benefits in February, totaling about $20,750 in emergency benefits for the month.

For more information about DSS’s benefit programs in response to the pandemic, go to To apply for benefits, go to Delaware ASSIST or call 1-866-843-7212. To limit the potential spread of COVID-19, clients are asked to contact the Division of Social Services by phone or online.

FEMA Dover Second-Dose Slots to Open to Those With First Dose on or Before Jan. 22 From Any Provider

DOVER (Feb. 22, 2021) – Given additional expected capacity at the ongoing vaccination event at Dover International Speedway, the State of Delaware and Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that appointments will open Tuesday morning for individuals who received their first dose 35 or more days ago from a pharmacy, medical provider, clinic or other source in Delaware and have not yet obtained a second dose.

The newly available appointments will be for the Dover International Speedway vaccination event on Thursday and Friday. Those being vaccinated will need to demonstrate with their vaccination card that they received their first dose on or before January 22. These vaccinations are for individuals who live, work or obtain their health care in Delaware, and received their first dose in Delaware.

Scheduled appointments will be cancelled for those who can be identified in state vaccination records as not receiving their first dose on or before January 22.

Scheduling for these second-dose appointments will open on Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Those without Internet access may call DPH at 1-833-643-1715 but should not call until after 11 a.m. Tuesday as no appointments will be available until then, but wait time may be lengthy based on call volume and online registration is urged.

Individuals will have an option to create an appointment for someone else after they create their own. However, the appointments are expected to fill quickly and people may not be able to make family appointments for the same time frame. A single email may be tied to multiple appointments. Everyone who arrives to be vaccinated must have an appointment.

Visitors can access the vaccination site via Dover International Speedway’s Leipsic Road entrance. To reduce waiting, those with appointments will be urged not to show up early. Just in case, those arriving at the site need to ensure:

• You enter the Speedway grounds via 1000 Leipsic Road, not the main entrance from Route 13.
• Your vehicle has a full tank of gas.
• You have personal identification (a driver’s licenses or photo ID).
• Proof of first COVID-19 vaccination (vaccination card).
• Confirmation of your appointment.
• Snacks to enjoy while waiting in line.

DPH also announced Monday that the approximately 2,000 individuals vaccinated by DPH at the Chase Center in Wilmington Jan. 30 are being contacted this week to schedule their second dose back at the Chase Center on Saturday, Feb. 27.

Additional information about COVID-19 vaccine rollout is available at Questions can be directed to the Vaccine Call Center at 1-833-643-1715. People who are deaf or hard of hearing should call 2-1-1 or text their ZIP code to 898-211. Individuals can email their questions concerning the vaccine to
