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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "DE Recycles"

Recycled Cardboard Boat Regatta Set for Saturday, Aug. 6 on Nanticoke River

The seventh annual Recycled Cardboard Boat Regatta will cast off Saturday, Aug. 6 at the Nanticoke River Public Marine Park, 26 North Market Street, Blades, after a two year absence.

Volunteers Needed for Christina River Watershed Cleanup April 2

As part of the month-long 2022 Earth Day celebration in April, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control joins the Christina Conservancy and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary to mobilize volunteers to pick up trash in northern Delaware during the 30th annual Christina River Watershed Cleanup.

DNREC Encourages Delawareans to Recycle Christmas Trees

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control encourages Delawareans to regift their real Christmas trees to the environment by recycling them at one of the many yard waste recycling facilities located throughout the state.

 Pages Tagged With: "DE Recycles"

Recycled Cardboard Boat Regatta Set for Saturday, Aug. 6 on Nanticoke River

The seventh annual Recycled Cardboard Boat Regatta will cast off Saturday, Aug. 6 at the Nanticoke River Public Marine Park, 26 North Market Street, Blades, after a two year absence.

Volunteers Needed for Christina River Watershed Cleanup April 2

As part of the month-long 2022 Earth Day celebration in April, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control joins the Christina Conservancy and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary to mobilize volunteers to pick up trash in northern Delaware during the 30th annual Christina River Watershed Cleanup.

DNREC Encourages Delawareans to Recycle Christmas Trees

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control encourages Delawareans to regift their real Christmas trees to the environment by recycling them at one of the many yard waste recycling facilities located throughout the state.