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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "DOI"

Northeast Insurance Departments Highlight Lyme Awareness Month

Regional Insurance Commissioners developing new model law to prevent and treat Lyme The Northeast Zone of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners is promoting National Lyme Disease Awareness Month this May, announcing that the regional group aims to work toward development of a model law aimed at preventing and treating Lyme disease. The CDC estimates […]

Department of Insurance Releases 2023 Data

Another banner year for consumer protection and insurer competition In 2023, the Delaware Department of Insurance’s 101 team members served Delaware residents and seniors, attracted new companies, oversaw expansions of coverage and enhanced competition, and contributed substantial funds to the state. Today’s data release details how each team contributed to Delaware’s strong insurance environment. “Each […]

2022 Year-End Data Released By The Department of Insurance

Consumers continue to benefit from carrier expansion and insurer oversight The Delaware Department of Insurance (DOI) has published its annual performance and productivity data, indicating continued success in serving consumers throughout the state. “In the face of inflation, climate change, the pandemic, and other challenges, our priority remains the same: the residents of our great […]

Department of Insurance 2021 Data Shows over $21M in Consumer Savings

Successes in serving residents continue The Delaware Department of Insurance (DOI) today published performance and productivity data for 2021. While the pandemic necessitated continued operational adjustments, staff continued to focus efforts on consumer services and saw great success. The department also released an infographic of key statistics. “Year after year, our DOI team delivers for […]

New Report Outlines Plan for Strengthening Primary Care in Delaware

Provisional Affordability Standards aim to strengthen primary care in Delaware through increased investment Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro announced the release of the Office of Value-Based Health Care Delivery’s initial provisional Affordability Standards as part of a new report, Delaware Health Care Affordability Standards: An Integrated Approach to Improve Access, Quality and Value, which includes plans […]

 Pages Tagged With: "DOI"

Northeast Insurance Departments Highlight Lyme Awareness Month

Regional Insurance Commissioners developing new model law to prevent and treat Lyme The Northeast Zone of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners is promoting National Lyme Disease Awareness Month this May, announcing that the regional group aims to work toward development of a model law aimed at preventing and treating Lyme disease. The CDC estimates […]

Department of Insurance Releases 2023 Data

Another banner year for consumer protection and insurer competition In 2023, the Delaware Department of Insurance’s 101 team members served Delaware residents and seniors, attracted new companies, oversaw expansions of coverage and enhanced competition, and contributed substantial funds to the state. Today’s data release details how each team contributed to Delaware’s strong insurance environment. “Each […]

2022 Year-End Data Released By The Department of Insurance

Consumers continue to benefit from carrier expansion and insurer oversight The Delaware Department of Insurance (DOI) has published its annual performance and productivity data, indicating continued success in serving consumers throughout the state. “In the face of inflation, climate change, the pandemic, and other challenges, our priority remains the same: the residents of our great […]

Department of Insurance 2021 Data Shows over $21M in Consumer Savings

Successes in serving residents continue The Delaware Department of Insurance (DOI) today published performance and productivity data for 2021. While the pandemic necessitated continued operational adjustments, staff continued to focus efforts on consumer services and saw great success. The department also released an infographic of key statistics. “Year after year, our DOI team delivers for […]

New Report Outlines Plan for Strengthening Primary Care in Delaware

Provisional Affordability Standards aim to strengthen primary care in Delaware through increased investment Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro announced the release of the Office of Value-Based Health Care Delivery’s initial provisional Affordability Standards as part of a new report, Delaware Health Care Affordability Standards: An Integrated Approach to Improve Access, Quality and Value, which includes plans […]