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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Economy"

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Continued Job Growth in the First State

Governor Markell focuses on the State’s ongoing efforts to put Delawareans back to work and promotes the town hall events being held throughout the state.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Supporting Continued Job Growth in the First State

We continue to work through one of the most challenging economic periods in our history and we will never be satisfied as long as Delawareans are out of work. But job growth here is outpacing the nation and we have reasons to be optimistic about our future.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Tapping Local Businesses to Promote Delaware Tourism

As a guest host for the Governor’s weekly message, filmed at Dogfish Head Brewery, Linda Parkowski, director of Delaware’s Tourism Office, discusses the importance of promoting the First State to tourists, while also supporting local businesses.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Tapping Local Businesses to Promote Delaware Tourism

Hi, I’m Linda Parkowski, director of Delaware’s Tourism Office. Our goal is to convince travelers to visit the First State – to shop, eat and stay with us. It’s a task with a big impact – adding $2.2 billion a year to our state’s economy and employing 39,000 people.

Gov. Markell Joins U.S. Chamber’s Jobs Summit to Discuss How States Foster Economic Growth

Delaware Governor Jack Markell joined a bipartisan group of governors, local policy makers and business leaders today at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 Jobs Summit to discuss policies that produce economic growth and examine how states across the country are increasing competitiveness.

 Pages Tagged With: "Economy"

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Continued Job Growth in the First State

Governor Markell focuses on the State’s ongoing efforts to put Delawareans back to work and promotes the town hall events being held throughout the state.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Supporting Continued Job Growth in the First State

We continue to work through one of the most challenging economic periods in our history and we will never be satisfied as long as Delawareans are out of work. But job growth here is outpacing the nation and we have reasons to be optimistic about our future.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Tapping Local Businesses to Promote Delaware Tourism

As a guest host for the Governor’s weekly message, filmed at Dogfish Head Brewery, Linda Parkowski, director of Delaware’s Tourism Office, discusses the importance of promoting the First State to tourists, while also supporting local businesses.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Tapping Local Businesses to Promote Delaware Tourism

Hi, I’m Linda Parkowski, director of Delaware’s Tourism Office. Our goal is to convince travelers to visit the First State – to shop, eat and stay with us. It’s a task with a big impact – adding $2.2 billion a year to our state’s economy and employing 39,000 people.

Gov. Markell Joins U.S. Chamber’s Jobs Summit to Discuss How States Foster Economic Growth

Delaware Governor Jack Markell joined a bipartisan group of governors, local policy makers and business leaders today at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 Jobs Summit to discuss policies that produce economic growth and examine how states across the country are increasing competitiveness.