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 Pages Tagged With: "Great American Smoke Out"

The Great American Smoke Out Set for Nov. 16, 2017

The American Cancer Society estimates it takes between eight to ten attempts for the average person to quit smoking. When trying to quit, support can make all the difference. That’s why they set Thursday Nov. 16, 2017, as the date for the annual Great American Smoke Out.

Great American Smoke Out Set for Nov. 17, 2016: Get Ready, Set, Quit!

You’d like to quit smoking. You’ve been meaning to quit but you just haven’t picked a date yet. How about Thursday November 17, 2016? That’s the date set by the American Cancer Society for its Great American Smoke Out! The Division of Public Health (DPH) is encouraging you if you smoke, or you know someone who smokes, to use the date to create a quit smoking plan. By quitting, even for one day, smokers take an important step toward a healthier life and reducing their risk of cancer, lung disease, and heart disease.

 Pages Tagged With: "Great American Smoke Out"

The Great American Smoke Out Set for Nov. 16, 2017

The American Cancer Society estimates it takes between eight to ten attempts for the average person to quit smoking. When trying to quit, support can make all the difference. That’s why they set Thursday Nov. 16, 2017, as the date for the annual Great American Smoke Out.

Great American Smoke Out Set for Nov. 17, 2016: Get Ready, Set, Quit!

You’d like to quit smoking. You’ve been meaning to quit but you just haven’t picked a date yet. How about Thursday November 17, 2016? That’s the date set by the American Cancer Society for its Great American Smoke Out! The Division of Public Health (DPH) is encouraging you if you smoke, or you know someone who smokes, to use the date to create a quit smoking plan. By quitting, even for one day, smokers take an important step toward a healthier life and reducing their risk of cancer, lung disease, and heart disease.