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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "history"

Historical Affairs Programs For The Holidays

Festive holiday-décor, historical Dutch cookery and mountain music among programs to be featured.

Historical Affairs programs in November 2021

A folk music concert, and programs celebrating Dutch American Heritage Day and National Native American Heritage Month among events/topics to be explored.

‘William Penn Day’ in New Castle on Oct. 23, 2021

Event commemorates the 339th anniversary of Penn’s disembarkment at New Castle, his first landing in the New World.

Historical Affairs programs in October 2021

18th century trades, true crime in song and walking tours of a historic cemetery among programs/topics to be explored.

Historical Affairs Programs In September 2021

Activities include, among others, a wetland walk and campfire, and a program on Colonial Delaware crime and punishment

 Pages Tagged With: "history"

Historical Affairs Programs For The Holidays

Festive holiday-décor, historical Dutch cookery and mountain music among programs to be featured.

Historical Affairs programs in November 2021

A folk music concert, and programs celebrating Dutch American Heritage Day and National Native American Heritage Month among events/topics to be explored.

‘William Penn Day’ in New Castle on Oct. 23, 2021

Event commemorates the 339th anniversary of Penn’s disembarkment at New Castle, his first landing in the New World.

Historical Affairs programs in October 2021

18th century trades, true crime in song and walking tours of a historic cemetery among programs/topics to be explored.

Historical Affairs Programs In September 2021

Activities include, among others, a wetland walk and campfire, and a program on Colonial Delaware crime and punishment