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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "legislation"

Governor Signs Bill to Improve Teacher Preparation

Fulfilling the commitment from his 2013 State of the State to better prepare Delaware’s educators for the classroom, Governor Markell signed legislation that raises the bar for entering the teaching profession.

Governor Signs School Choice Reform, Keeps Pledge from State-of-the-State

After vowing in his State of the State 2013 to address unfair burdens of the school choice system on Delaware families, Governor Jack Markell signed legislation (House Bill 90) today to simplify the application process and help ensure students can attend their chosen school.

House Passes Plan to Strengthen Teacher Preparation

An educator preparation plan, pledged by the Governor in his 2013 State of the State passed the Delaware House today and now heads to the Governor’s desk for signature.

Governor Signs Bill allowing Liquor Stores to Sell Growlers of Draught Beer

Flanked by liquor store and Delaware craft brewery owners at Fordham & Old Dominion Brewing companies in Dover, Governor Markell signed into law House Bill 31, which allows Delaware liquor stores to fill and sell growlers of draught beer on site.

Bill, Policy Changes Would Increase Voter Registration

Lawmakers and the Markell Administration unveiled proposals Tuesday designed to increase voter turnout and encourage more Delawareans to register to vote.

 Pages Tagged With: "legislation"

Governor Signs Bill to Improve Teacher Preparation

Fulfilling the commitment from his 2013 State of the State to better prepare Delaware’s educators for the classroom, Governor Markell signed legislation that raises the bar for entering the teaching profession.

Governor Signs School Choice Reform, Keeps Pledge from State-of-the-State

After vowing in his State of the State 2013 to address unfair burdens of the school choice system on Delaware families, Governor Jack Markell signed legislation (House Bill 90) today to simplify the application process and help ensure students can attend their chosen school.

House Passes Plan to Strengthen Teacher Preparation

An educator preparation plan, pledged by the Governor in his 2013 State of the State passed the Delaware House today and now heads to the Governor’s desk for signature.

Governor Signs Bill allowing Liquor Stores to Sell Growlers of Draught Beer

Flanked by liquor store and Delaware craft brewery owners at Fordham & Old Dominion Brewing companies in Dover, Governor Markell signed into law House Bill 31, which allows Delaware liquor stores to fill and sell growlers of draught beer on site.

Bill, Policy Changes Would Increase Voter Registration

Lawmakers and the Markell Administration unveiled proposals Tuesday designed to increase voter turnout and encourage more Delawareans to register to vote.