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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Newark"

Guilty Plea for Attempted Kidnapping to Lead to Prison Sentence

Others face sentencings for weapons charges. A Newark man faces at least 15 years in prison for an attempted kidnapping. Deputy Attorneys General Christina Kontis and Joe Grubb secured a guilty plea to Attempted Kidnapping Second Degree, Burglary Third Degree and Failure to Register as a Sex Offender from 35-year-old Joseph Rudge. In July 2016, Rudge […]

Delaware Division of the Arts Awards Sixteen Individual Artist Fellowships

Sixteen Delaware artists are being recognized by the Delaware Division of the Arts for the high quality of their artwork. Work samples from 118 Delaware choreographers, composers, musicians, writers, and visual artists were reviewed by out-of-state arts professionals, considering demonstrated creativity and skill in their art form. The 16 selected fellows reside throughout Delaware including Claymont, […]

Zacros America moving 154 manufacturing jobs to Delaware

Zacros America Inc. has announced that it will move its Hedwin Division, along with 154 manufacturing jobs, from Baltimore to Newark, bolstering the state’s efforts to attract innovative companies and grow job opportunities in key sectors for today’s economy, including manufacturing.

Delaware Forest Service awards over $47,000 in urban and community grants

The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program is awarding over $47,000 in competitive grants to fund 14 community-based tree projects in all three Delaware counties. This year, more than half of the successful projects – a total of $29,429.35 – addressed tree management issues such as the removal of hazardous trees. Overall, 11 projects were funded in New Castle County, one in Kent County, and two in Sussex County.

Statement from the Governor on Death of Former Newark Mayor William Redd

The Governor extended his deepest sympathies to the family of William Marshall Redd, Jr., former mayor of Newark, someone the Governor knew and admired over many years.

 Pages Tagged With: "Newark"

Guilty Plea for Attempted Kidnapping to Lead to Prison Sentence

Others face sentencings for weapons charges. A Newark man faces at least 15 years in prison for an attempted kidnapping. Deputy Attorneys General Christina Kontis and Joe Grubb secured a guilty plea to Attempted Kidnapping Second Degree, Burglary Third Degree and Failure to Register as a Sex Offender from 35-year-old Joseph Rudge. In July 2016, Rudge […]

Delaware Division of the Arts Awards Sixteen Individual Artist Fellowships

Sixteen Delaware artists are being recognized by the Delaware Division of the Arts for the high quality of their artwork. Work samples from 118 Delaware choreographers, composers, musicians, writers, and visual artists were reviewed by out-of-state arts professionals, considering demonstrated creativity and skill in their art form. The 16 selected fellows reside throughout Delaware including Claymont, […]

Zacros America moving 154 manufacturing jobs to Delaware

Zacros America Inc. has announced that it will move its Hedwin Division, along with 154 manufacturing jobs, from Baltimore to Newark, bolstering the state’s efforts to attract innovative companies and grow job opportunities in key sectors for today’s economy, including manufacturing.

Delaware Forest Service awards over $47,000 in urban and community grants

The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program is awarding over $47,000 in competitive grants to fund 14 community-based tree projects in all three Delaware counties. This year, more than half of the successful projects – a total of $29,429.35 – addressed tree management issues such as the removal of hazardous trees. Overall, 11 projects were funded in New Castle County, one in Kent County, and two in Sussex County.

Statement from the Governor on Death of Former Newark Mayor William Redd

The Governor extended his deepest sympathies to the family of William Marshall Redd, Jr., former mayor of Newark, someone the Governor knew and admired over many years.