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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "public safety"

Highway Safety Officials Remind Everyone To Have A Safe Family Holiday

This holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or another holiday, highway safety officials remind everyone to give the gift of safe driving and keep each other safe on the roads this holiday season by designating a sober driver, limiting distractions in the car, and allowing plenty of time to get to your destination to alleviate aggressive driving behaviors.

DSP Col. Nathaniel McQueen Jr. Assumes Command of Delaware State Police

Governor Jack A. Markell joined Lewis D. Schiliro, Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security, as Col. Nathaniel McQueen Jr., 46, assumed command of the Delaware State Police.

Governor Markell Asks Delawareans to observe moment of silence for victims of school shooting

Governor Markell asks Delawareans to observe a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School school.

Governor Markell: In the aftermath of Sandy Hook Elementary School Violence in Connecticut

The Governor discusses mental health concerns, school safety and guns after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy.

DUI Checkpoints Scheduled For 3rd Weekend in December

Five (5) people were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs last weekend as part of the 2012 Checkpoint Strikeforce DUI prevention campaign. This brings the total DUI arrests made in the campaign to 310. Statewide, there have been over 4,600 DUI arrests made in Delaware this year.

 Pages Tagged With: "public safety"

Highway Safety Officials Remind Everyone To Have A Safe Family Holiday

This holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or another holiday, highway safety officials remind everyone to give the gift of safe driving and keep each other safe on the roads this holiday season by designating a sober driver, limiting distractions in the car, and allowing plenty of time to get to your destination to alleviate aggressive driving behaviors.

DSP Col. Nathaniel McQueen Jr. Assumes Command of Delaware State Police

Governor Jack A. Markell joined Lewis D. Schiliro, Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security, as Col. Nathaniel McQueen Jr., 46, assumed command of the Delaware State Police.

Governor Markell Asks Delawareans to observe moment of silence for victims of school shooting

Governor Markell asks Delawareans to observe a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School school.

Governor Markell: In the aftermath of Sandy Hook Elementary School Violence in Connecticut

The Governor discusses mental health concerns, school safety and guns after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy.

DUI Checkpoints Scheduled For 3rd Weekend in December

Five (5) people were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs last weekend as part of the 2012 Checkpoint Strikeforce DUI prevention campaign. This brings the total DUI arrests made in the campaign to 310. Statewide, there have been over 4,600 DUI arrests made in Delaware this year.