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 Pages Tagged With: "seat belts"

OHS Launches 1st Seat Belt Enforcement Campaign for 2012

Dover – Delaware Office of Highway Safety and law enforcement officials have some simple advice to keep you safe both day and night every time you get in a car: buckle up.

Highway Safety Officials Concerned as Number of Unbelted Traffic Deaths Rise and Statewide Seat Belt Use Rate Falls Slightly

“We’re asking drivers and passengers to buckle up for safety,” said Governor Jack Markell. “It’s something we can all do when we ride in a vehicle. The more Delawareans wear seat belts, the more injuries we spare and lives we save. It’s that simple.”

 Pages Tagged With: "seat belts"

OHS Launches 1st Seat Belt Enforcement Campaign for 2012

Dover – Delaware Office of Highway Safety and law enforcement officials have some simple advice to keep you safe both day and night every time you get in a car: buckle up.

Highway Safety Officials Concerned as Number of Unbelted Traffic Deaths Rise and Statewide Seat Belt Use Rate Falls Slightly

“We’re asking drivers and passengers to buckle up for safety,” said Governor Jack Markell. “It’s something we can all do when we ride in a vehicle. The more Delawareans wear seat belts, the more injuries we spare and lives we save. It’s that simple.”