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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "small business"

Economy on the Mend, More Work Ahead

We recognize that no one — least of all government agencies — bats a thousand guessing winners and losers in these unpredictable economic times, and we have to make sure that the fundamentals of our economy are such that we are an attractive place to move and grow for all types of employers.

Lt. Governor’s Dover Events for November 14: Small Business and School Breakfast

Lieutenant Governor Matt Denn’s Small Business Advisory Committee began meeting in January of this year about a variety of issues that impact small businesses. Improvements to the state’s small business loan programs, providing better information to small businesses about requirements of the Affordable Care Act, controlling workers compensation premiums, and state and county regulations are just a few of the topics that have been discussed. The Committee’s 17 members represent a variety of small businesses throughout the state.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Helping Small Businesses Succeed

This week, the Governor joined business and academic leaders, as well as National Governors Association Chairman Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska in Washington, D.C. for the Kauffman Foundation’s 3rd Annual “State of Entrepreneurship Address.”

Additional Federal Assistance Available to Delaware Small Businesses Economically Impacted by Hurricane Irene

“This SBA designation allows us to extend outreach efforts to businesses in lower Delaware economically impacted by the hurricane. Economic effects of the hurricane can be just as challenging to a small business as property damage.”

WSFS Announces Small Business Loan Program

Special program to help small businesses immediately grow and create jobs

 Pages Tagged With: "small business"

Economy on the Mend, More Work Ahead

We recognize that no one — least of all government agencies — bats a thousand guessing winners and losers in these unpredictable economic times, and we have to make sure that the fundamentals of our economy are such that we are an attractive place to move and grow for all types of employers.

Lt. Governor’s Dover Events for November 14: Small Business and School Breakfast

Lieutenant Governor Matt Denn’s Small Business Advisory Committee began meeting in January of this year about a variety of issues that impact small businesses. Improvements to the state’s small business loan programs, providing better information to small businesses about requirements of the Affordable Care Act, controlling workers compensation premiums, and state and county regulations are just a few of the topics that have been discussed. The Committee’s 17 members represent a variety of small businesses throughout the state.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Helping Small Businesses Succeed

This week, the Governor joined business and academic leaders, as well as National Governors Association Chairman Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska in Washington, D.C. for the Kauffman Foundation’s 3rd Annual “State of Entrepreneurship Address.”

Additional Federal Assistance Available to Delaware Small Businesses Economically Impacted by Hurricane Irene

“This SBA designation allows us to extend outreach efforts to businesses in lower Delaware economically impacted by the hurricane. Economic effects of the hurricane can be just as challenging to a small business as property damage.”

WSFS Announces Small Business Loan Program

Special program to help small businesses immediately grow and create jobs