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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "surf fishing"

DNREC’s Natural Resource Police Park Rangers enforce surf-fishing regulations at Cape Henlopen State Park

In response to complaints that surf-fishers were not complying with state regulations, DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation Natural Resource Police Rangers performed a three-hour enforcement operation at Cape Henlopen State Park from Navy Beach to Gordon’s Pond on Sunday, July 28th.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation announces cap reached on sale of Delaware surf-fishing permits

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation has announced that it has reached its cap of 17,000 Delaware surf-fishing permits, as voted on this year by the state’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Council. With the cap figure attained, no more surf tag permits will be issued until December.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation Announces Plan to Manage Cap Put On Sale of Delaware Surf Fishing Permits

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation announced today its plan for managing the cap of 17,000 Delaware surf-fishing permits.

Delaware’s Parks and Recreation Council votes to raise surf-fishing permit fees for 2019 season

Delaware’s Parks and Recreation Council, which advises DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation, today voted to raise surf fishing permit fees this year and to limit the number of permits issued annually to no more than 17,000.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation to host public meeting on proposed changes in surf fishing program

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation will discuss proposed changes to the surf fishing program at its upcoming, regularly-scheduled Parks and Recreation Council meeting.

 Pages Tagged With: "surf fishing"

DNREC’s Natural Resource Police Park Rangers enforce surf-fishing regulations at Cape Henlopen State Park

In response to complaints that surf-fishers were not complying with state regulations, DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation Natural Resource Police Rangers performed a three-hour enforcement operation at Cape Henlopen State Park from Navy Beach to Gordon’s Pond on Sunday, July 28th.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation announces cap reached on sale of Delaware surf-fishing permits

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation has announced that it has reached its cap of 17,000 Delaware surf-fishing permits, as voted on this year by the state’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Council. With the cap figure attained, no more surf tag permits will be issued until December.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation Announces Plan to Manage Cap Put On Sale of Delaware Surf Fishing Permits

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation announced today its plan for managing the cap of 17,000 Delaware surf-fishing permits.

Delaware’s Parks and Recreation Council votes to raise surf-fishing permit fees for 2019 season

Delaware’s Parks and Recreation Council, which advises DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation, today voted to raise surf fishing permit fees this year and to limit the number of permits issued annually to no more than 17,000.

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation to host public meeting on proposed changes in surf fishing program

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation will discuss proposed changes to the surf fishing program at its upcoming, regularly-scheduled Parks and Recreation Council meeting.