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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "tags"

DNREC’s Low-Digit Surf-Fishing Tag Auction Starts Black Friday

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will auction Low-Digit Surf Fishing Tags starting Black Friday, Nov. 27, at 9 a.m., at Between Nov. 27 and Dec. 10, bidders will have the option to bid on 12 tags including tags 25, 105, 206, 416, 451 and 469, and on six “choice” categories, ranging […]

 Pages Tagged With: "tags"

DNREC’s Low-Digit Surf-Fishing Tag Auction Starts Black Friday

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will auction Low-Digit Surf Fishing Tags starting Black Friday, Nov. 27, at 9 a.m., at Between Nov. 27 and Dec. 10, bidders will have the option to bid on 12 tags including tags 25, 105, 206, 416, 451 and 469, and on six “choice” categories, ranging […]