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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Tax Rebate"

Office of the State Treasurer Working to Deliver Tax Rebate Checks

With today’s passage of H.B. 360, most Delawareans will soon receive a one-time relief rebate check for $300. State Treasurer Colleen Davis, who played a role in seeing there was enough money to afford the rebate, now leads the effort to get the checks in the mail. “As a member of the Delaware Economic and […]

 Pages Tagged With: "Tax Rebate"

Office of the State Treasurer Working to Deliver Tax Rebate Checks

With today’s passage of H.B. 360, most Delawareans will soon receive a one-time relief rebate check for $300. State Treasurer Colleen Davis, who played a role in seeing there was enough money to afford the rebate, now leads the effort to get the checks in the mail. “As a member of the Delaware Economic and […]