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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "wild animals"

Public Encouraged to Avoid ‘Rescuing’ Young Wildlife

DNREC wants the public to be aware that the best thing to do when encountering young wildlife of any species is to leave the animals alone

Think twice before ‘rescuing’ young wildlife

Whether in their own backyards or while taking a walk outdoors, Delawareans are likely to encounter young wildlife this time of year. While some young animals appear to be abandoned, usually they are not. In most cases, their mothers are watching over them somewhere nearby and waiting for you to move on.

 Pages Tagged With: "wild animals"

Public Encouraged to Avoid ‘Rescuing’ Young Wildlife

DNREC wants the public to be aware that the best thing to do when encountering young wildlife of any species is to leave the animals alone

Think twice before ‘rescuing’ young wildlife

Whether in their own backyards or while taking a walk outdoors, Delawareans are likely to encounter young wildlife this time of year. While some young animals appear to be abandoned, usually they are not. In most cases, their mothers are watching over them somewhere nearby and waiting for you to move on.