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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "young animals"

Public Encouraged to Avoid the Urge to ‘Rescue’ Young Wildlife

Wildlife watchers in Delaware this time of year are apt to happen upon young animals, particularly deer fawns, that appear to have been left alone, even abandoned in their natural environment – and “So tiny, so helpless…so cute!”, they look very much like they need rescuing by a kind public hand or two. Almost always, that’s not the case – rather, these young’uns are waiting for a parent’s return from foraging or from a nearby vantage of keeping a close eye on them. Thus, DNREC’s reminder: If you find them alone, leave them alone.

Public Encouraged to Avoid ‘Rescuing’ Young Wildlife

DNREC wants the public to be aware that the best thing to do when encountering young wildlife of any species is to leave the animals alone

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife recommends think twice before ‘rescuing’ young wildlife

Whether in their own backyards or while taking a walk outdoors, Delawareans are likely to encounter young wildlife this time of year.

 Pages Tagged With: "young animals"

Public Encouraged to Avoid the Urge to ‘Rescue’ Young Wildlife

Wildlife watchers in Delaware this time of year are apt to happen upon young animals, particularly deer fawns, that appear to have been left alone, even abandoned in their natural environment – and “So tiny, so helpless…so cute!”, they look very much like they need rescuing by a kind public hand or two. Almost always, that’s not the case – rather, these young’uns are waiting for a parent’s return from foraging or from a nearby vantage of keeping a close eye on them. Thus, DNREC’s reminder: If you find them alone, leave them alone.

Public Encouraged to Avoid ‘Rescuing’ Young Wildlife

DNREC wants the public to be aware that the best thing to do when encountering young wildlife of any species is to leave the animals alone

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife recommends think twice before ‘rescuing’ young wildlife

Whether in their own backyards or while taking a walk outdoors, Delawareans are likely to encounter young wildlife this time of year.