Governor’s Weekly Message: When It Comes to Child Abuse – See the Signs, Make the Call

DOVER – In his weekly message, the Governor talks about child abuse awareness and Delaware’s month-long campaign designed to urge people to see the signs and make the call.  A majority of child abuse incidents go unreported.

“We Delawareans pride ourselves on our sense of community. Regardless of differences in opinion, when it comes to strengthening our great state, we come together to do what’s best for one another. What better way to make Delaware stronger than to protect our youngest citizens?” said the Governor.  “By keeping them safe from harm, they’ll be better able to succeed in school, establish a greater sense of self-worth, actively pursue their passions and become productive, caring adults.   One person can make a call, make a difference. But it takes a collective effort to protect our children, stop child abuse and, in turn, keep Delaware, moving forward.”

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

At noon every Friday, the Governor’s office releases a new Weekly Message in video, audio, and transcript form.  The message is available on:

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Transcript of the Governor’s Weekly Message: When It Comes to Child Abuse – See the Signs, Make the Call