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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "children"

Lt. Governor Announces Criminal Justice Council Grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters

Lt. Governor Matt Denn, Chair of the Criminal Justice Council, will announce a $49,000 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Governor’s Weekly Message – Putting Young Delawareans Ahead: Improving Early Childhood Education

Governor Markell talks about efforts to improve early childhood education in Delaware, including expansion of the Delaware Stars for Early Success quality-rating program, which provides technical and financial assistance to enable early care and education providers to achieve higher standards.

Governor Announces Next Stage of Early Education Efforts

Governor Jack Markell today announced the start of the next phase of Delaware’s plan to improve the quality of early childhood education. Starting on October 1st, early care and education providers statewide will receive an increased reimbursement rate for caring for children eligible for Delaware’s Purchase of Care system.

DPH Awarded $2.9 Million To Strengthen Health Of Mothers And Children

The state Division of Public Health’s Family Health Section will use the funds to support the development of a comprehensive early childhood system that addresses health and development from the prenatal period through age 8, reaching high-risk and hard-to-engage populations including rural communities.

Governor Signs Law to Protect Student Athletes from Concussions

“When you look at the data and the long-term effects of concussions – especially repeat concussions – it paints an alarming picture,” Markell said. “Sports has gone beyond outdated adages about getting ‘dinged,’ ‘playing tough,’ and getting back into the game. Concussion can be serious, potentially life-changing injuries. We’re stepping up and treating them with the seriousness they deserve.”

 Pages Tagged With: "children"

Lt. Governor Announces Criminal Justice Council Grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters

Lt. Governor Matt Denn, Chair of the Criminal Justice Council, will announce a $49,000 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Governor’s Weekly Message – Putting Young Delawareans Ahead: Improving Early Childhood Education

Governor Markell talks about efforts to improve early childhood education in Delaware, including expansion of the Delaware Stars for Early Success quality-rating program, which provides technical and financial assistance to enable early care and education providers to achieve higher standards.

Governor Announces Next Stage of Early Education Efforts

Governor Jack Markell today announced the start of the next phase of Delaware’s plan to improve the quality of early childhood education. Starting on October 1st, early care and education providers statewide will receive an increased reimbursement rate for caring for children eligible for Delaware’s Purchase of Care system.

DPH Awarded $2.9 Million To Strengthen Health Of Mothers And Children

The state Division of Public Health’s Family Health Section will use the funds to support the development of a comprehensive early childhood system that addresses health and development from the prenatal period through age 8, reaching high-risk and hard-to-engage populations including rural communities.

Governor Signs Law to Protect Student Athletes from Concussions

“When you look at the data and the long-term effects of concussions – especially repeat concussions – it paints an alarming picture,” Markell said. “Sports has gone beyond outdated adages about getting ‘dinged,’ ‘playing tough,’ and getting back into the game. Concussion can be serious, potentially life-changing injuries. We’re stepping up and treating them with the seriousness they deserve.”