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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities"

Public Input Sought on Delaware’s Clean Water Trust Strategic Plan and Annual Report

A 15-day public input period which is to begin Jan. 3 offers an opportunity for Delaware residents and interested parties to tell how they feel the trust can support water quality improvements in the state with funding through the Delaware Clean Water Act.

Public Input Sought on Water Trust Priorities and Projects

The Delaware Clean Water Trust Oversight Committee will host three virtual public information sessions to hear from Delaware residents and businesses about how the trust should support water quality improvements with historic dedicated funding through the Delaware Clean Water Act, signed into law last fall by Governor John Carney.

Agreement Signed by DNREC, DHSS to Connect Donovan Smith Community to Public Sewer and Water

Delaware state agencies today officially moved to connect the Donovan Smith community in Lewes to municipal water and sewer, which is the pilot project of the Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities established by Gov. John Carney.

Plan to Connect Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Community Gets Important Conditional Approval

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today plans to connect the Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Community to the Lewes Board of Public Works sewer system are proceeding following issuance of a conditional letter of approval of the state-funded loan mechanism that will provide financing for the connection.

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities"

Public Input Sought on Delaware’s Clean Water Trust Strategic Plan and Annual Report

A 15-day public input period which is to begin Jan. 3 offers an opportunity for Delaware residents and interested parties to tell how they feel the trust can support water quality improvements in the state with funding through the Delaware Clean Water Act.

Public Input Sought on Water Trust Priorities and Projects

The Delaware Clean Water Trust Oversight Committee will host three virtual public information sessions to hear from Delaware residents and businesses about how the trust should support water quality improvements with historic dedicated funding through the Delaware Clean Water Act, signed into law last fall by Governor John Carney.

Agreement Signed by DNREC, DHSS to Connect Donovan Smith Community to Public Sewer and Water

Delaware state agencies today officially moved to connect the Donovan Smith community in Lewes to municipal water and sewer, which is the pilot project of the Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities established by Gov. John Carney.

Plan to Connect Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Community Gets Important Conditional Approval

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today plans to connect the Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Community to the Lewes Board of Public Works sewer system are proceeding following issuance of a conditional letter of approval of the state-funded loan mechanism that will provide financing for the connection.