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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "DepartmentofLabor"

Labor Secretary John McMahon to Retire after Seven-Year Tenure

Having successfully led the Department of Labor’s efforts to support Delaware workers during one of the most challenging times in the state’s history, Secretary John McMahon announced that he would retire to spend more time with his family.

Governor Statement on Delaware Setting Jobs Record

Delaware has set an all-time jobs record according to the Monthly Labor Review released by the Delaware Department of Labor. The 443,700 jobs reported top the previous high mark of 442,300 in February, 2008, prior to the Great Recession.

Governor Markell Presses for Extension of Lapsed Federal Unemployment Assistance

Governor Markell urged Congress to restore emergency unemployment assistance for thousands of Delawareans looking for work.

 Pages Tagged With: "DepartmentofLabor"

Labor Secretary John McMahon to Retire after Seven-Year Tenure

Having successfully led the Department of Labor’s efforts to support Delaware workers during one of the most challenging times in the state’s history, Secretary John McMahon announced that he would retire to spend more time with his family.

Governor Statement on Delaware Setting Jobs Record

Delaware has set an all-time jobs record according to the Monthly Labor Review released by the Delaware Department of Labor. The 443,700 jobs reported top the previous high mark of 442,300 in February, 2008, prior to the Great Recession.

Governor Markell Presses for Extension of Lapsed Federal Unemployment Assistance

Governor Markell urged Congress to restore emergency unemployment assistance for thousands of Delawareans looking for work.