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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "flooding"

Sussex Conservation District offers free workshop on stormwater pond maintenance Dec. 5 in Lewes

Sussex County property owners who want to learn more about stormwater pond maintenance are invited to attend free workshops being offered Dec. 5.

Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps appeal period starts Dec. 14 for portions of New Castle County

Reminder for residents of New Castle County that preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps for portions of New Castle County released in December 2016 and revised in May 2018 by the Federal Emergency Management Agency will begin a 90-day regulatory appeal period Friday, Dec. 14 through Wednesday, March 13, 2019.

DNREC’s White Clay Creek State Park sustains flood damage, forcing closures and cancellations

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation has announced that White Clay Creek State Park sustained damage from flooding due to heavy rains this morning, forcing closure of some parts of the park and cancellation of affiliated activities.

Delaware requests emergency declaration from USDA for crop damage due to recent storms

DOVER, Del. — Too much rain at the wrong time, like Delaware experienced in April and May, has destroyed several high dollar crops and threatens the yield of many others, leaving farmers to wonder what the future holds. In surveying the state and listening to farmers, Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse made a request […]

DNREC Delaware Coastal Programs now accepting letters of interest from Delaware communities for Resilient Community Partnership assistance

DNREC’s Delaware Coastal Programs (DCP) is soliciting letters of interest for participating in the Resilient Community Partnership program, whose aim is to improve the management and wise use of land and water resources while promoting compatible economic development in the coastal zone.

 Pages Tagged With: "flooding"

Sussex Conservation District offers free workshop on stormwater pond maintenance Dec. 5 in Lewes

Sussex County property owners who want to learn more about stormwater pond maintenance are invited to attend free workshops being offered Dec. 5.

Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps appeal period starts Dec. 14 for portions of New Castle County

Reminder for residents of New Castle County that preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps for portions of New Castle County released in December 2016 and revised in May 2018 by the Federal Emergency Management Agency will begin a 90-day regulatory appeal period Friday, Dec. 14 through Wednesday, March 13, 2019.

DNREC’s White Clay Creek State Park sustains flood damage, forcing closures and cancellations

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation has announced that White Clay Creek State Park sustained damage from flooding due to heavy rains this morning, forcing closure of some parts of the park and cancellation of affiliated activities.

Delaware requests emergency declaration from USDA for crop damage due to recent storms

DOVER, Del. — Too much rain at the wrong time, like Delaware experienced in April and May, has destroyed several high dollar crops and threatens the yield of many others, leaving farmers to wonder what the future holds. In surveying the state and listening to farmers, Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse made a request […]

DNREC Delaware Coastal Programs now accepting letters of interest from Delaware communities for Resilient Community Partnership assistance

DNREC’s Delaware Coastal Programs (DCP) is soliciting letters of interest for participating in the Resilient Community Partnership program, whose aim is to improve the management and wise use of land and water resources while promoting compatible economic development in the coastal zone.