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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "grants"

DNREC now accepting grant proposals for wastewater and surface water project planning

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Division of Watershed Stewardship and the office of Environmental Finance are now accepting project proposals from state, county and municipal governments and governmental subdivisions for matching grants for wastewater and surface water project planning.

Forest Service offering tree planting grants for Chesapeake Bay

The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) Program is offering a new “Partnership Tree Planting Grant” to nonprofit groups who own property within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The U&CF Program will award eight (8) $1000 matching grants on a first-come, first-served basis to qualifying nonprofit groups who apply by February 27, 2015.

Delaware Division of the Arts Grant Applications for FY2016 are Now Available at

The online application process for Delaware-based arts organizations, community organizations, and schools to apply for funding of arts programming and projects taking place during Fiscal Year 2016 is now open.

Public comment sought regarding Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief grant awards

Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs seeks input on its finding that the selected projects will not adversely affect historic properties.

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $2.9 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2015

Twenty-five communities across Delaware, from Arden to Seaford, will receive grants to support arts programming and services, arts education, and related arts marketing and promotion.

 Pages Tagged With: "grants"

DNREC now accepting grant proposals for wastewater and surface water project planning

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Division of Watershed Stewardship and the office of Environmental Finance are now accepting project proposals from state, county and municipal governments and governmental subdivisions for matching grants for wastewater and surface water project planning.

Forest Service offering tree planting grants for Chesapeake Bay

The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) Program is offering a new “Partnership Tree Planting Grant” to nonprofit groups who own property within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The U&CF Program will award eight (8) $1000 matching grants on a first-come, first-served basis to qualifying nonprofit groups who apply by February 27, 2015.

Delaware Division of the Arts Grant Applications for FY2016 are Now Available at

The online application process for Delaware-based arts organizations, community organizations, and schools to apply for funding of arts programming and projects taking place during Fiscal Year 2016 is now open.

Public comment sought regarding Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief grant awards

Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs seeks input on its finding that the selected projects will not adversely affect historic properties.

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $2.9 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2015

Twenty-five communities across Delaware, from Arden to Seaford, will receive grants to support arts programming and services, arts education, and related arts marketing and promotion.