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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "jobs"

Summit Aviation Unveils New Hangar and Paint Facility

“For more than 50 years, Summit Aviation has earned a positive reputation for its service,” said Delaware Governor Jack Markell. “Both now and for decades to come, these new facilities will keep people hard at work building on that legacy.”

Gov. Markell: “The President Made Clear That Creating Jobs Remains Job One.”

“The President made clear that creating jobs and keeping people working remains job one. He challenged the Congress tonight to put aside any personal agendas and move forward to help companies hire, help small businesses grow, create opportunities for people out of work to get back to work and put more money in the pockets of working families,” Markell said. ““There are responsible, targeted and economically sound proposals here to get people to work.”

 Pages Tagged With: "jobs"

Summit Aviation Unveils New Hangar and Paint Facility

“For more than 50 years, Summit Aviation has earned a positive reputation for its service,” said Delaware Governor Jack Markell. “Both now and for decades to come, these new facilities will keep people hard at work building on that legacy.”

Gov. Markell: “The President Made Clear That Creating Jobs Remains Job One.”

“The President made clear that creating jobs and keeping people working remains job one. He challenged the Congress tonight to put aside any personal agendas and move forward to help companies hire, help small businesses grow, create opportunities for people out of work to get back to work and put more money in the pockets of working families,” Markell said. ““There are responsible, targeted and economically sound proposals here to get people to work.”