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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "activities"

Historical Affairs Programs In September 2021

Activities include, among others, a wetland walk and campfire, and a program on Colonial Delaware crime and punishment

Delaware’s 23rd Annual Chautauqua From Sept. 9–12, 2021

Entitled “The I’s Have It: Industry, Innovation, and Invention,” programs will explore American enterprise and ingenuity.

Guided Visitation To The African Burial Ground At The John Dickinson Plantation

Programs explore the experiences of the enslaved and free African Americans who lived, labored and died on the John Dickinson Plantation.

Historical Affairs to Sponsor 2 Programs in August 2021

Programs to explore the wreck of the DeBraak and War of 1812 hero Commodore Thomas Macdonough.

Historical Affairs to Sponsor 4 Programs During July 2021

Programs explore the sinking of the DeBraak, readings of the Declaration of Independence and different perspectives on the American Revolution.

 Pages Tagged With: "activities"

Historical Affairs Programs In September 2021

Activities include, among others, a wetland walk and campfire, and a program on Colonial Delaware crime and punishment

Delaware’s 23rd Annual Chautauqua From Sept. 9–12, 2021

Entitled “The I’s Have It: Industry, Innovation, and Invention,” programs will explore American enterprise and ingenuity.

Guided Visitation To The African Burial Ground At The John Dickinson Plantation

Programs explore the experiences of the enslaved and free African Americans who lived, labored and died on the John Dickinson Plantation.

Historical Affairs to Sponsor 2 Programs in August 2021

Programs to explore the wreck of the DeBraak and War of 1812 hero Commodore Thomas Macdonough.

Historical Affairs to Sponsor 4 Programs During July 2021

Programs explore the sinking of the DeBraak, readings of the Declaration of Independence and different perspectives on the American Revolution.