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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse"

State Fair Offers Opportunity to Learn About Delaware Agriculture

Whether you are headed to the state fair from the city, suburbs, or our rural communities, the Delaware State Fair is a perfect opportunity to learn about agriculture, the state’s top industry.

Delaware Aglands Permanently Preserves 3,800 Acres; Largest Number of Inland Bays Easements Ever Selected

During a stop at the Delaware Agriculture Education & Commodities Building at the Delaware State Fair, Governor John Carney announced an additional 3,827 acres on 54 farms are now permanently preserved for future generations.

Consumer Demand For Buying Locally Grown Strong In Delaware

Today, the Delaware Department of Agriculture announced that Delaware farmers’ markets had nearly $3.16 million in sales in 2021. As the second-highest sales year on record for Delaware’s farmers’ markets, 2021 has proven demand for buying locally grown products is strong among residents and visitors to the state.

Sussex County Farm Family Receives Delaware Secretary’s Award for Agriculture

Recently, Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse took a road trip down to Sussex County to make a surprise presentation to a family farm in Laurel. Scuse recognized the Vincent Family for their commitment to Delaware through agricultural production and equipment sales, for providing gainful employment to community members, and for continuing to alleviate hunger through their participation in the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program.

Delaware Approves Continuing Education Alternatives For Pesticides And Nutrients Following COVID Struggles

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is offering extensions and COVID credit exemptions for individuals who have exhausted all options in earning their continuing education credits needed to maintain their nutrient management or pesticide certifications.

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse"

State Fair Offers Opportunity to Learn About Delaware Agriculture

Whether you are headed to the state fair from the city, suburbs, or our rural communities, the Delaware State Fair is a perfect opportunity to learn about agriculture, the state’s top industry.

Delaware Aglands Permanently Preserves 3,800 Acres; Largest Number of Inland Bays Easements Ever Selected

During a stop at the Delaware Agriculture Education & Commodities Building at the Delaware State Fair, Governor John Carney announced an additional 3,827 acres on 54 farms are now permanently preserved for future generations.

Consumer Demand For Buying Locally Grown Strong In Delaware

Today, the Delaware Department of Agriculture announced that Delaware farmers’ markets had nearly $3.16 million in sales in 2021. As the second-highest sales year on record for Delaware’s farmers’ markets, 2021 has proven demand for buying locally grown products is strong among residents and visitors to the state.

Sussex County Farm Family Receives Delaware Secretary’s Award for Agriculture

Recently, Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse took a road trip down to Sussex County to make a surprise presentation to a family farm in Laurel. Scuse recognized the Vincent Family for their commitment to Delaware through agricultural production and equipment sales, for providing gainful employment to community members, and for continuing to alleviate hunger through their participation in the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program.

Delaware Approves Continuing Education Alternatives For Pesticides And Nutrients Following COVID Struggles

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is offering extensions and COVID credit exemptions for individuals who have exhausted all options in earning their continuing education credits needed to maintain their nutrient management or pesticide certifications.