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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware State Treasurer"

Over $6 Million in 2016 Tax Refunds for Delawareans Still Available from IRS

Returns must be filed by July 15th According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), unclaimed income tax refunds from 2016 worth more than $6 million remain available to an estimated 5,600 taxpayers in Delaware who did not file a 2016 federal income tax return. The law typically provides a period of three years for taxpayers […]

Treasurer Davis Says Now is the Time to Review Savings Plans

Online tool can identify available funds to be used in state plans Dealing with a troubled economy during the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way many people deal with their household budgets. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says Americans have been spending more money on groceries and home entertainment and less on travel and […]

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware State Treasurer"

Over $6 Million in 2016 Tax Refunds for Delawareans Still Available from IRS

Returns must be filed by July 15th According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), unclaimed income tax refunds from 2016 worth more than $6 million remain available to an estimated 5,600 taxpayers in Delaware who did not file a 2016 federal income tax return. The law typically provides a period of three years for taxpayers […]

Treasurer Davis Says Now is the Time to Review Savings Plans

Online tool can identify available funds to be used in state plans Dealing with a troubled economy during the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way many people deal with their household budgets. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says Americans have been spending more money on groceries and home entertainment and less on travel and […]