Delaware News

DNREC Announces Grants to Support Communities With Pollution Restoration Projects

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | Date Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Public Workshops Scheduled for Sept. 17 and 24

Delaware communities adversely affected by environmental pollution can now apply for Community Environmental Project Fund (CEPF) restoration grants for the 2021 grant cycle. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has scheduled two virtual public workshops focused on the CEPF program and how to apply for the grants.

The virtual workshops will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, and Thursday, Sept. 24. Connection information for the workshops is posted on the Delaware public meeting calendar and on the Community Environmental Project Fund web page. Pre-registration is suggested, but not required for participation.

The Delaware General Assembly created the Community Environmental Project Fund in 2004 to fund restoration projects in communities impacted by environmental pollution. Grant funding is available to affected communities for projects that result in:

  • Reduced pollution
  • Enhanced natural resources
  • Enhanced recreational opportunities

Projects supported by the fund must be in the same drainage basin as the violation for which a fine was collected. Applicants can identify the drainage basin location of their projects with this tool.

Recent past CEPF projects statewide have included a habitat restoration and scrap tire cleanup, a pollenating rain garden at a school, healthy home and energy assessments, a museum trail project, an energy savings model home for a low income community, a native plantings project to mitigate stormwater runoff, educational signage for a stormwater management site, funding to support plastic pollution education and a floating dock and canoe/kayak project that provides recreational access and helps stabilize canal banks.

IRS tax-exempt organizations are eligible for CEPF grants of up to $25,000. These groups include civic and community organizations, educational institutions, counties, municipal governments, state agencies and quasi-state agencies. The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 30, 2020. The projects funded in this grant cycle can begin on July 1, 2021 and should be completed by June 30, 2022.

To register or for more information about the workshops, contact DNREC Community Ombudsman James Brunswick, Division of Community Affairs, at 302-739-9040 or

The grant application, workshop details and more information about the Community Environmental Project Fund are available online at

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control protects and manages the state’s natural resources, protects public health, provides outdoor recreational opportunities and educates Delawareans about the environment. For more information, visit the website and connect with DNREC on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Media Contacts: Michael Globetti,; Joanna Wilson,



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DNREC Announces Grants to Support Communities With Pollution Restoration Projects

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | Date Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Public Workshops Scheduled for Sept. 17 and 24

Delaware communities adversely affected by environmental pollution can now apply for Community Environmental Project Fund (CEPF) restoration grants for the 2021 grant cycle. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has scheduled two virtual public workshops focused on the CEPF program and how to apply for the grants.

The virtual workshops will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, and Thursday, Sept. 24. Connection information for the workshops is posted on the Delaware public meeting calendar and on the Community Environmental Project Fund web page. Pre-registration is suggested, but not required for participation.

The Delaware General Assembly created the Community Environmental Project Fund in 2004 to fund restoration projects in communities impacted by environmental pollution. Grant funding is available to affected communities for projects that result in:

  • Reduced pollution
  • Enhanced natural resources
  • Enhanced recreational opportunities

Projects supported by the fund must be in the same drainage basin as the violation for which a fine was collected. Applicants can identify the drainage basin location of their projects with this tool.

Recent past CEPF projects statewide have included a habitat restoration and scrap tire cleanup, a pollenating rain garden at a school, healthy home and energy assessments, a museum trail project, an energy savings model home for a low income community, a native plantings project to mitigate stormwater runoff, educational signage for a stormwater management site, funding to support plastic pollution education and a floating dock and canoe/kayak project that provides recreational access and helps stabilize canal banks.

IRS tax-exempt organizations are eligible for CEPF grants of up to $25,000. These groups include civic and community organizations, educational institutions, counties, municipal governments, state agencies and quasi-state agencies. The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 30, 2020. The projects funded in this grant cycle can begin on July 1, 2021 and should be completed by June 30, 2022.

To register or for more information about the workshops, contact DNREC Community Ombudsman James Brunswick, Division of Community Affairs, at 302-739-9040 or

The grant application, workshop details and more information about the Community Environmental Project Fund are available online at

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control protects and manages the state’s natural resources, protects public health, provides outdoor recreational opportunities and educates Delawareans about the environment. For more information, visit the website and connect with DNREC on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Media Contacts: Michael Globetti,; Joanna Wilson,



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