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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "children"

Children’s Department Recruiting for 30 Behavioral Health Consultants

A massive recruitment effort is now underway to fill 30 positions for Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) in middle schools statewide, in an effort to expand access to mental health services for children.

Museums of the state of Delaware to offer 17 special events during September 2013

Four of the 17 programs will explore the First State’s rich Native-American heritage.

Nature Nook Opens at Dover Public Library

The Nature Nook opens today at the Dover Public Library. The nook is a space for kids to learn and get excited about nature and the outdoors. DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation, the Children in Nature Task Force, and the Dover Public Library are collaborating on the project.

Fourteen events at Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs museums in August 2013

Highlights to include programs on the Prohibition era, the Tory raid on John Dickinson’s home and the founding of the colony of New Sweden.

DSCYF Announces Mini Grants for Summer and After School Programming

The Delaware Children’s Department is releasing up to $200,000 worth of mini grants so that organizations statewide can apply for funds to offer end of summer and after school programming aimed at violence and suicide prevention.

 Pages Tagged With: "children"

Children’s Department Recruiting for 30 Behavioral Health Consultants

A massive recruitment effort is now underway to fill 30 positions for Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) in middle schools statewide, in an effort to expand access to mental health services for children.

Museums of the state of Delaware to offer 17 special events during September 2013

Four of the 17 programs will explore the First State’s rich Native-American heritage.

Nature Nook Opens at Dover Public Library

The Nature Nook opens today at the Dover Public Library. The nook is a space for kids to learn and get excited about nature and the outdoors. DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation, the Children in Nature Task Force, and the Dover Public Library are collaborating on the project.

Fourteen events at Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs museums in August 2013

Highlights to include programs on the Prohibition era, the Tory raid on John Dickinson’s home and the founding of the colony of New Sweden.

DSCYF Announces Mini Grants for Summer and After School Programming

The Delaware Children’s Department is releasing up to $200,000 worth of mini grants so that organizations statewide can apply for funds to offer end of summer and after school programming aimed at violence and suicide prevention.