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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Christina River Watershed Cleanup"

Get Involved in Earth Month: Register Now for the April 13 Christina River Watershed Cleanup

Registration is now open for the annual Christina River Watershed Cleanup, rallying volunteers to join the effort on Saturday, April 13. Sponsored by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, in partnership with the Christina Conservancy and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, the cleanup marks the 32nd year hundreds of volunteers will pick up trash at sites across New Castle County as part of Earth Month activities in Delaware.

 Pages Tagged With: "Christina River Watershed Cleanup"

Get Involved in Earth Month: Register Now for the April 13 Christina River Watershed Cleanup

Registration is now open for the annual Christina River Watershed Cleanup, rallying volunteers to join the effort on Saturday, April 13. Sponsored by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, in partnership with the Christina Conservancy and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, the cleanup marks the 32nd year hundreds of volunteers will pick up trash at sites across New Castle County as part of Earth Month activities in Delaware.