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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Defense Distributed"

AG Denn Takes Actions To Prevent Distribution of Online Files for 3-D Printed Firearms

Attorney General Matt Denn Monday sent a cease-and desist letter to Defense Distributed ordering it not to allow access within Delaware to downloadable plans for a 3-D gun that the company was planning to make available this week. Attorney General Denn also said he was exploring a lawsuit against the company. In addition, Attorney General […]

 Pages Tagged With: "Defense Distributed"

AG Denn Takes Actions To Prevent Distribution of Online Files for 3-D Printed Firearms

Attorney General Matt Denn Monday sent a cease-and desist letter to Defense Distributed ordering it not to allow access within Delaware to downloadable plans for a 3-D gun that the company was planning to make available this week. Attorney General Denn also said he was exploring a lawsuit against the company. In addition, Attorney General […]