Delaware News

Traffic Safety News – Cell Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other

Traffic Safety News | Date Posted: Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Did you know that drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves?  It has become a common occurrence to see others talking on their hand-held cell phone or checking their smartphone while driving. You may even do it yourself.  But there is more to Distracted Driving than just talking on a cell phone and texting.

What you need to know

Distraction occurs any time you take your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and your mind off the task of driving. Any non-driving activity you engage in while behind the wheel is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing.

  • An estimated 3,000 deaths each year can be attributed to distracted driving nationally.
  • In Delaware, driver inattention, distraction, or fatigue contributed to:
    • 1,312 injury crashes and 5 fatal crashes in 2010; and
    • 1,264 injury crashes and 13 fatal crashes in 2011.

What you can do

OHS and Delaware Law Enforcement are teaming up to stop distracted drivers by collaborating on the enforcement and education campaign “Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other”.  Last year, nearly 10,000 citations were written for violating the state’s hands free cell phone law.

  • The law bans texting while driving, as well as bans the use of hand-held cell phones and the use of other mobile devices while driving.
  • Drivers are required to use hands-free technology in order to use a cell phone while driving.

Since the average fine is over $100, it is best to turn off the phone and put it away until you have reached your destination.  If you need to make a call, pull off to a safe location.

Remember, if you have a cell phone in one hand, you may have a ticket in the other.

For more information about Delaware’s cell phone law, see  You can also find more information about distracted driving at .

Drive Safe.  Arrive Alive DE.

This message is brought to you by the Office of Highway Safety, who asks you to drive safely at all times.  For more information on this and other traffic safety programs, go to


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Traffic Safety News – Cell Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other

Traffic Safety News | Date Posted: Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Did you know that drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves?  It has become a common occurrence to see others talking on their hand-held cell phone or checking their smartphone while driving. You may even do it yourself.  But there is more to Distracted Driving than just talking on a cell phone and texting.

What you need to know

Distraction occurs any time you take your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and your mind off the task of driving. Any non-driving activity you engage in while behind the wheel is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing.

  • An estimated 3,000 deaths each year can be attributed to distracted driving nationally.
  • In Delaware, driver inattention, distraction, or fatigue contributed to:
    • 1,312 injury crashes and 5 fatal crashes in 2010; and
    • 1,264 injury crashes and 13 fatal crashes in 2011.

What you can do

OHS and Delaware Law Enforcement are teaming up to stop distracted drivers by collaborating on the enforcement and education campaign “Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other”.  Last year, nearly 10,000 citations were written for violating the state’s hands free cell phone law.

  • The law bans texting while driving, as well as bans the use of hand-held cell phones and the use of other mobile devices while driving.
  • Drivers are required to use hands-free technology in order to use a cell phone while driving.

Since the average fine is over $100, it is best to turn off the phone and put it away until you have reached your destination.  If you need to make a call, pull off to a safe location.

Remember, if you have a cell phone in one hand, you may have a ticket in the other.

For more information about Delaware’s cell phone law, see  You can also find more information about distracted driving at .

Drive Safe.  Arrive Alive DE.

This message is brought to you by the Office of Highway Safety, who asks you to drive safely at all times.  For more information on this and other traffic safety programs, go to


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