Delaware News

Reminder: POW/MIA Flags to be Flown at State Facilities on September 18

Flag Status | Office of Management and Budget | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Delaware Flag Status - half staff

Title 29, Section 408 of the Delaware Code requires Delaware State agencies, including all public schools, to display a POW/MIA flag on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the third Friday in September.

Section 408 reads as follows:

Ҥ408 Display of POW/MIA flag.

State agencies, including all public schools, shall cause a POW/MIA flag to be displayed out of doors (weather permitting) on its installation, grounds or campus at each location on National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This section shall apply only where public buildings, including school buildings are equipped with flagpoles.”

National POW/MIA Recognition Day is scheduled for this Friday, September 18.


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Reminder: POW/MIA Flags to be Flown at State Facilities on September 18

Flag Status | Office of Management and Budget | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Delaware Flag Status - half staff

Title 29, Section 408 of the Delaware Code requires Delaware State agencies, including all public schools, to display a POW/MIA flag on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the third Friday in September.

Section 408 reads as follows:

Ҥ408 Display of POW/MIA flag.

State agencies, including all public schools, shall cause a POW/MIA flag to be displayed out of doors (weather permitting) on its installation, grounds or campus at each location on National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This section shall apply only where public buildings, including school buildings are equipped with flagpoles.”

National POW/MIA Recognition Day is scheduled for this Friday, September 18.


A graphic of a flag

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