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Delaware News

  Category: Department of Transportation

Governor Markell to Meet with IT Business Leaders in Mumbai

Department of State | Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | International Trade and Development | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013

Governor Jack Markell announced today that he will lead a trade mission to India from February 6 -16, 2013

Governor Advises Residents To Make Plans for Arrival of Hurricane Sandy

Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Agriculture | Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

With the strong possibility Hurricane Sandy will significantly affect Delaware, Governor Markell is urging residents and visitors to prepare for the storm. A combination of rain, wind and tides indicate the Hurricane Sandy could impact the entire state.

DelDOT is preparing for a possible major storm

Department of Transportation | News | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

The men and women of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) are spending today doing all they can to prepare for the possibility of a major storm striking Delaware, and many will be working over the weekend to ensure the state’s transportation system is as secure as possible.

DelDOT makes advance preparations for Hurricane Sandy

Department of Transportation | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

As Hurricane Sandy moves along the East Coast of the United States, senior officials from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) are monitoring the reports from the National Weather Service, and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency. They have instructed DelDOT crews to begin preparations in case the storm impacts our state.

Launch of the Delaware Third Track Construction Project

Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 19, 2012

Secretary Shailen Bhatt announced the launch of the Delaware Third Track Construction Project which will allow for more efficient movement and increased performance by commuter and intercity passenger trains.

  Category: Department of Transportation

Governor Markell to Meet with IT Business Leaders in Mumbai

Department of State | Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | International Trade and Development | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013

Governor Jack Markell announced today that he will lead a trade mission to India from February 6 -16, 2013

Governor Advises Residents To Make Plans for Arrival of Hurricane Sandy

Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Agriculture | Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

With the strong possibility Hurricane Sandy will significantly affect Delaware, Governor Markell is urging residents and visitors to prepare for the storm. A combination of rain, wind and tides indicate the Hurricane Sandy could impact the entire state.

DelDOT is preparing for a possible major storm

Department of Transportation | News | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

The men and women of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) are spending today doing all they can to prepare for the possibility of a major storm striking Delaware, and many will be working over the weekend to ensure the state’s transportation system is as secure as possible.

DelDOT makes advance preparations for Hurricane Sandy

Department of Transportation | Date Posted: Friday, October 26, 2012

As Hurricane Sandy moves along the East Coast of the United States, senior officials from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) are monitoring the reports from the National Weather Service, and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency. They have instructed DelDOT crews to begin preparations in case the storm impacts our state.

Launch of the Delaware Third Track Construction Project

Department of Transportation | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Friday, October 19, 2012

Secretary Shailen Bhatt announced the launch of the Delaware Third Track Construction Project which will allow for more efficient movement and increased performance by commuter and intercity passenger trains.