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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Aspire529"

Program to Help Foster Youth Pursue Higher Education

$529 payments available to qualified applicants Citing information showing nationwide, only about half of youth raised in foster care end up finishing high school, and less than 3% graduate from a four-year college, Delaware State Treasurer Colleen Davis announces the Aspire529 program. Aspire529 is a pilot program for youth in or aging out of the […]

 Pages Tagged With: "Aspire529"

Program to Help Foster Youth Pursue Higher Education

$529 payments available to qualified applicants Citing information showing nationwide, only about half of youth raised in foster care end up finishing high school, and less than 3% graduate from a four-year college, Delaware State Treasurer Colleen Davis announces the Aspire529 program. Aspire529 is a pilot program for youth in or aging out of the […]